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First Film Flight: Photography from NYC


At the beginning of September, I purchased my first film camera, a second-hand 35 mm Minolta point and shoot. The first roll I shot (b&w) somehow disappeared. Though that lost roll contained the only photo I remembered from the 3 roll set- one I had not taken, but was eternally excited to see- and its loss made me want to curl up and sob, I was very happy with these pictures. I hope you enjoy.

East Village, NY- Why do I adore the little man in blue poking out on the left? Or how about the pine wearing that traffic light as an earring?

Ma's Bar- East Village, NYC. Somehow this bar (patronized by a 2023 lacrosse team, not a bunch of recently returned vets) blew up on TikTok the day after Claire, Keara, and I visited. I was a bit disturbed by the video's clear focus on drawing women to the bar (we were 3 of 4 women, the fourth of whom was one of these boy's mother) but overall they seemed like good gents. I adore the pure-joy and simple expressions of male-love in this image. Don't worry, I pre-bussed all the bottles and pitchers in front of them just after this was taken.


Grey, Gray. New York photography bids hello to Philly.

Potentially my favorite photo from the batch? Property of the New York Housing Authority.

We will now transition into the nature-focused part of this presentation. You may pretend you are Basil looking over this scenic Hudson Valley vista, if you'd like.

None of my moss pictures turned out as I'd hoped, but these rocks are coated with some kind of lichens or algae. Curious if any photographers out there mourn lost images and moments as I do. The birch trees were taken near Kingston, NY. Do not ask me exactly where.

Basil's indie album cover. He's in his Evermore-era.

Okay not a forrest, but I do enjoy the warping in the first image. Really hones your focus in on on the front porch? As for the secondary photo, I found these a/c units nearly as disturbing as a short-ghost-story I once heard read aloud in the Dey House (Iowa City) about a push mower (very disturbing).

Thanks for viewing, I'll write you again soon.


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